The Considered Home: use cycles & change to keep decor fresh

Category Design Tips

Don’t think of your home and decor as something that can’t or shouldn’t change. In life, change and versatility are not only inevitable, but also essential. Here are five ways to incorporate cycles and change into your home so you can keep your decor fresh and interesting.

1. Mark the seasons

Nature gives us the variety we crave, so let what’s going on outside influence what’s going on inside. Each season brings a different mood and has an inevitable rhythm, but this is often lost in our modern lives. An awareness of seasonal changes allows the considered home to evolve over time. Trading out accessories like throws, pillows, duvets and seasonal decor is a great way to mark the change in seasons and to shake things up a bit from time to time, keeping your home fresh and evolving.

2. Celebrate change

Be spontaneous and use the seasons and changing light and temperature to reconsider the things around you. Rotate your favourite things from room to room to keep your home alive and in motion. Use what you already have in a different context and you’ll be surprised at how new your things will look when literally seen in a new light. If you don’t have enough storage, treat the seasonal change-up the same way you do when you rotate your wardrobe; the off-season items either go into top cupboards or under-bed storage bins.

. Set the mood

Our surroundings hold tremendous power over our moods and emotions. Use that power for a positive effect. Scavenge mementoes as art and a way of holding onto a time and place. Sometimes the addition of a single natural object, like a sinuous branch or scalloped shell, make all the difference. Look for items that have interesting shapes and are to scale with the rest of the display. Here, a simple jug of brightly coloured tulips brings happiness to a serious display of books.

4. Create permanence

Using change to create permanence may seem like a contradiction, but you can use change to make sure your home stays timeless. Because the Considered Home features personal collections of things you love living with, the look is ultimately timeless. Your home will be able to stand the test of time and be just as current tomorrow as it is today, with a feel of sophistication that incorporates beautiful, interesting materials in a well-conceived environment.

5. Keep time

In the considered home, ageing becomes a badge of honour. While trendy paint techniques may look like the eroding effects of time, they are not the real thing. And in the considered home, authenticity is key. However, this doesn’t mean things have to be expensive. Braided from chunky marine rope, a hanging display of old garden implements and other recycled curiosities becomes a thing of beauty and interest against a weathered timber wall.


Author: Essentials

Submitted 01 Mar 17 / Views 2030